Worldwide Registry
- February 22, 1983

This day has been dedicated to:

International Day Registry
Amanda Bickle's Birthday
Date: February 22, 1983
Owner: Amanda Bickle
Purchased By: Mom, Bobby, Mimi & Kesh
Why this day is important:
This day is important to me because it is the day that you, the best daughter a Mom could ask for, was born and became MY daughter. It was the day that I learned that love at first sight was absolutely, positively possible. It was the day I learned I was no longer fearless, that now I was afraid every day that this gift that I was given could somehow be taken away. And it was the day I learned that there was one person in the whole world that could cause my heart to hurt if her heart was hurt and cause my heart to sing if her heart was singing. I love you!
This day is important to me because I have such a wonderful, beautiful, smart, inspirational woman in my life I have the privilege to call my Boo. Amanda as inspired me more than she can ever imagine. For that I am forever grateful.
~Love Mimi~