United States Country Registry
- June 16, 2015

This day has been dedicated to:

International Day Registry
Josh & Brittany's 1st Year Together
Date: June 16, 2015
Owner: Josh & Brittany
Purchased By: Josh Bachstein
Why this day is important:
On June 16th, 2014 I met the love of my life, my best friend and someone I knew I would be able to count on. Over the last year I've truly realized that God gave me a gift and brought me my soulmate! I've never been happier, nor more confident in a relationship, than I am now. It really is true that when you meet "the one", you will know. I never believed that until I met you!
Every moment that we've spent together has been special and amazing.
Until a year ago, my daughter was the only important girl in my life and I was starting to believe that she'd be the only girl in my life. Brittany has shown me that good things do happen and Lexi and I finally have a great woman in our lives! Brittany has been wonderful with Lexi, she's taken her in and been a great role model..and for that, I am truly blessed to have this beautiful, amazing and caring woman in my life!