Texas State Registry
- April 12, 2019

This day has been dedicated to:

International Day Registry
Yanil's baby day
Date: April 12, 2019
Owner: Yanil
Purchased By: Greggrie O'Garro
Why this day is important:
Love it's been a long time coming and I know that there's no one in this world more deserving of a day like this than you. I am dedicating this day to you for all of the time and effort you've put into this relationship to not only be an amazing wife but an amazing friend on top of that. It's now time to add another title for you and that's Mom ???? I couldn't be the man that I am today if it wasn't for your support and strength throughout every day of our relationship and if our kids get half the love you gave to me they will be the most blessed kids this world has ever known!
So for all of the countless days you've spent being my support and putting up with all of our hardships, I want to dedicate this day to you as a promise that your dream of becoming the best mother in the world will be coming true starting on April 12, 2019. I know the day seems like a random day to choose but I promise you it's not. I wanted this day to be your day because I know that we will be together on this day and we will finally be able to make our child this time because your ovulation cycle will be on point I can feel it! I just know that this is our time love and every minute of this day is going to be dedicated to making your dream come true. I love you Yanil O'Garro and I hope that you will accept this gift knowing that you are the most special and precious woman in the world to me. TE AMMOOOOOO!!!!