Massachusetts State Registry
- September 25, 2014

This day has been dedicated to:

International Day Registry
John & MaryBeth's 1 Year Anniversary
Date: September 25, 2014
Owner: John Weldon & MaryBeth Kuta
Purchased By: John Weldon
Why this day is important:
On this day 1 year ago, the most beautiful girl I could have ever imagined agreed to take a chance with me. I thought in my mind, how could I ever be enough to this girl who makes my days bright and worth living. When I am with her, the rest of the world is a blur, it's inhabitants disappeared and we are the only two people on this earth. I look into her eyes everyday and get lost, unable to stop my gaze from going into a trance. Almost impossibly, she can stop my breathing just from a touch, from a kiss, from a look.
I walk along side her, holding her soft hand, and I can't help but have a permanent smile on my face, her being the reason. Across the year we have had nicknames for each other, her coming up with the majority of them for herself, such an amazing personality and soul.
My Nibbles, My Pudding Cup, My Kitten, My BabyGirl, My Angelfish, My Cupcake, My Dippie, My Sunshine, My Moonlight, My Love, My Everything, My MareBear!
MaryBeth Kathryn Kuta, you are my world and I love you more than anything. I hope to keep you laughing, smiling, snorting :) but most importantly Happy for many years to come. I couldn't imagine my life without you!